Thursday, January 15, 2015

Continuation of Winning at the Casino with Law of Attraction.

Yesterday I posted my personal experiments with Law of Attraction using it to see if it could improve my Casino winnings. I like to play usually on $20-$50 a few times a month. Up until I started using thought-manifestation and Law Of Attraction, my winnings were puny and more often than not nothing at all. Since this change in belief and attitude I have seen a significant success in having bigger and better wins.

 I still stick to a strict $20-$50 system and today as it's a payday so I budget $50 I managed to have another success so thought I would share.

To see the full examples see this blog-page:

Here is a sreencap of the win with the January 15th, 2014 timestamp in the photo.  Using my system, I only had $50 and lucky for me it paid on the last $5 before I would have walked.  I took the payment, cashed out and left.  I'll try my luck again in two weeks following the frequency rule covered in the above article.  I stuck to the leave on a big win rule and walked away a winner.

Now I'll take a nice 2 week break and enjoy some extra cash.  Thanks Law of Attraction you mysterious yet wonderful phenomena!


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